Do something today that your future self will thank you for.
The term “bucket list” comes from the phrase 'to kick the bucket' which is a figure of speech meaning 'to die.' Sorry to start off kind of deep there, but I like to know the reason behind what I’m saying instead of just repeating it because it’s a commonly used phrase we say in society. So now that we’re all familiar with the term “bucket list,” let’s talk about our own! I believe everyone has a list of things they desire to do before they expire. We all have these dream lists, but how often do we put action behind those dreams that we have? Well, this past weekend on Thanksgiving Day, I applied action to one of my bucket list goals!! I, Abigail Hunter, ran my 1st 5K AND talked my family into doing it with me!! Yep, I’m that family member that finds new things for us to do.☺ They fuss, but love me for it in the end. I’ve wanted to participate in a race for a few years now. I’d look into one, but discourage myself for not being fast enough or not quite physically ready. Self-sabotage is real. However, I continued to persevere and still had time to catch one before the year was out. I’d heard about this race on Thanksgiving Day called the Turkey Trot a few years ago. I looked into it again. What I loved most about what I read is that any age was welcomed to do it and I saw families doing it together! So I pitched it to my family. Whew. There was definitely hesitation, because this would be their first 5k too, but I made it sound so good and fun and most of all, a family thing. The power of persuasion.☺ (I would’ve been a great lawyer.) We signed up the week of, AND we got a discount because we signed up as a family! (Blessings) Then, the race began! I put no expectation on myself for running under a certain time. I just enjoyed my run, and that made my whole experience stress free. My only desire was to run without stopping. It was such a beautiful day and it was really cool running with others. When I run, it’s usually just me and my dog so this was a nice change. I got through this run by staying in a mindset of gratitude the whole time. I thanked God for the feet I was able to run with, the arms I was able to pump with, to the jacket I wore to keep warm. I made it a great experience. It was really beautiful seeing all walks of life in the race: Parents running with their children, grandparents, people pushing strollers, and moms pushing their children in wheelchairs. Touched my heart. As I saw the signs for the finish line, I reached in my jacket pocket, glossed my lips up…as I was still running...fluffed up my puff, and got ready to finish this race with a bang while being camera ready because I knew camera people were at the finish line! (I am who I am lol) I took my phone out of my fanny pack and begin recording my last few minutes of the race for my social media platforms. As you can see, I finished with a big smile on my face and my brother, greeted me at the finish line, clapping for me☺ FYI, he started a little before me lol. We got metals at the end which was a nice surprise. After my brother and I finished running, we walked back to find our mom and walked the rest of the race she had left. Knowing my mom, of course she made friends along the way lol. We met her walking buddies and we had fun powering walking...(she just made me change it to say she "trotted" across, not power walked LOL) to the finish line as a family. This was such a pleasant way to start of our Thanksgiving Day. We took “after” pictures with our friends, ate oranges and bananas that were provided, and eventually left to enjoy the rest of our holiday. So, I ask you, when is the last time you’ve checked something off your bucket list? If it’s been a while, don’t sweat it, you have been given another day at life to achieve anything you desire!
Stay Grateful, XOXO ABnormally Ab Put below in the comments the last bucket list moment you had! Oh, and check out BTS (behind the scenes) Clips on my Instagram page highlights! www.instagram.com/ab.k_/
AuthorAbigail Hunter Archives
January 2022
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